Professor Warner is the faculty director of Chicago-Kent's Center for Law and Computers. From 1994 to 1996, he was president of InterActive Computer Tutorials, a software company, and from 1998 to 2000, he was director of Building Businesses on the Web, an Illinois Institute of Technology executive education program concerning e-commerce.
He is the director of the School of American Law, a Chicago-Kent–affiliated international educational program with branches in several countries. He was the principal investigator for "Using Education to Combat White Collar Crime," a U.S. State Department grant devoted to combating money laundering in Ukraine from 2000 to 2006. He is currently a member of the U.S. Secret Service's Cyber Fraud Task Force.
Professor Warner's research concerns the regulation of online privacy, artificial intelligence, security, and the nature of freedom and human rights. He has lectured on Internet security at the second United Nations Economic Commission for Europe workshop "E-Regulations: E-Security and Knowledge Economy" in Geneva, Switzerland, and, at the invitation of the FBI, on global cybercrime before the Chicago Crime Commission.
His recent books (all co-authored with Robert Sloan) include Unauthorized Access: The Crisis in Online Privacy and Security, Why Don't We Defend Better? Data Breaches, Risk Management, and Public Policy, The Privacy Fix: How To Preserve Privacy In The Onslaught Of Surveillance, and Cybersecurity: Cases and Commentary (Aspen forthcoming, with Robert Sloan and Ed Carter).
J.D., University of Southern California Gould School of Law
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
B.A., Stanford University
Self, Privacy, and Power: Is It All Over?, with Robert Sloan, 17 Tulane Journal of Technology & Intellectual Property 61 (2014).
When Is an Algorithm Transparent? Predictive Analytics, Privacy, and Public Policy, with Robert Sloan, IEEE Security & Privacy, May/June 2018.
How Much Should We Spend to Protect Privacy?: The Need for Information We Do Not Have, with Robert Sloan, 15 Journal of Law, Economics, and Policy 119 (2019)
Algorithms and Human Freedom, with Robert Sloan, 35 Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal 1 (2019).
Beyond Bias: Artificial Intelligence and Social Justice, with Robert Sloan, 24 Virginia Journal of Law and Technology 1 (2020).
Making Artificial Intelligence Transparent: Fairness and the Problem of Proxy Variables, Criminal Justice Ethics (2021)
Pragmatics and Semantics: Grice 1968, Schiffer 2015, Schiffer 1972, in Alessandro Capone (ed.), Philosophy, Cognition, and Pragmatics, Springer, forthcoming 2023.
The Ethics of the Algorithm: Autonomous Systems and the Wrapper of Human Control, 48 Cumberland Law Review 1 (2018) (with Robert H. Sloan).
The Self, the Stasi, the NSA: Privacy, Knowledge, and Complicity in the Surveillance State, 17 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science, and Technology 347 (2016) (with Robert H. Sloan).
Undermined Norms: The Corrosive Effect of Information Processing Technology on Informational Privacy, 55 Saint Louis University Law Journal 1047 (2011).
Surveillance and the Self: Privacy, Identity, and Technology, 54 DePaul Law Review 847 (2005).
Border Disputes: Trespass to Chattels on the Internet, 47 Villanova Law Review 117 (2002).
Does Incommensurability Matter? Incommesurability and Public Policy, 146 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1287 (1998).
Why Pragmatism? The Puzzling Place of Pragmatism in Critical Theory,1993 University of Illinois Law Review 535 (1993).
Three Theories of Legal Reasoning, 62 Southern California Law Review 1523 (1989).
Search Professor Warner's publications on works.bepress.com.
J.D. Certificate Program in Intellectual Property Law; Project Poland
Contracts; Internet Law and Online Security; Jurisprudence and Philosophy; Privacy; Science and Technology