The Office of Career Development and Professionalism (CDP) staff is available to help you find qualified candidates, whether you are seeking law clerks or attorneys for your office. The services we provide include:
Free, year-round access to job postings in our CK Career Hub for employers interested in hiring students and/or alumni
A formal on-campus interview program twice a year (February and July) and the ability to set up on-campus interviews on an ad hoc basis at all other times of the year
Resume Collects are a great alternative for employers who want to recruit on their own timeline. For Resume Collect employers, the Chicago-Kent Office of Career Development and Professionalism will collect all application materials and then provide you with access to them on a designated date
Receptions and other informational events for both students and alumni that you can participate in to raise the profile of your office
Employers who wish to post externships can contact our Externship office.
Want to post a job with Chicago-Kent?
Employers can post job and internship opportunities using our CK Career Hub or our online job form:
Want to register for on-campus interviews or a resume collect?
Employers can register for on-campus interviews (OCIs) and resume collects by registering in the CK Career Hub.
If you have questions about our OCI timelines or other recruiting matters, please email Director of Recruitment Programs, Jackie Russell at