Chicago-Kent students walking

Legal Clinics

C-K Law Group: The Law Offices of Chicago-Kent

Many law schools have clinics. Chicago-Kent’s clinics are unique, in a practical sense: Most of them are housed within the C-K Law Group, an actual in-house law firm staffed not simply by academics, but by practicing attorneys, some of whom allow even first-year students to work on a wide range of legal matters alongside them.

Known since the early 1980s simply as “The Law Offices of Chicago-Kent,” the C-K Law Group was a pioneer in clinical legal education when it adopted a fee-generating model designed to replicate the experience of employment at a private law firm. Our clinic takes the concept of experiential “learning by doing” to an entirely new level, allowing students to work on sophisticated litigation and transactional matters within numerous fields, all while under the supervision of highly experienced and ethical practitioners. Students will have the opportunity to engage in many, if not all, aspects of a case, including client interviews; discovery; preparation of motions, pleadings and correspondence; pretrial conferences; depositions; preparation for settlement or trial; and, at times, even arguing before a judge.

Today, C-K Law Group is a giant among the nation's law school legal clinics, with nine in-house practicing attorneys. Our in-house practicing attorneys rank among the top practitioners nationally, with a record of client success that rivals that of Chicago's premier law firms.

The C-K Law Group is a great mechanism for gaining knowledge by working on real client matters as well as gaining meaningful experience for your resume.  

How to Apply:  Applications for the Summer 2025 and Fall 2025 In-House Clinics are now available here.  

Head of Chicago-Kent Immigration Clinic talking to student

Clinical Practice Areas

The C-K Law Group currently has ten clinics covering a variety of legal specialties, each headed by a highly experienced and competent attorney, including:

♦ Criminal Defense Litigation
♦ Civil Litigation 
♦ Employee Benefit Claims
♦ Estate Planning, Probate and Transactional Law 
♦ Plaintiffs Employment Clinic (Not currently offered)
♦ Family Law
♦ Immigration Law 
♦ Intellectual Property,  Entertainment & Entrepreneurship Law Clinic (No patent work)
♦ Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
♦ Tax Law
♦ Special Intensive Clinic

Chicago-Kent student working

J.D. Certificates with a Clinical Focus

Chicago-Kent offers several J.D. Certificate Programs that specifically require clinical work, including:

Criminal Litigation Certificate Program: Chicago-Kent's Certificate Program in Criminal Litigation is designed to give students a comprehensive and balanced professional education to prepare them adequately for the practice of criminal law.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution (LADR) Certificate Program: For students who aspire to become litigators or mediators, Chicago-Kent's Certificate Program in Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (LADR) combines trial skills training, negotiation and mediation within a rigorous clinical curriculum.

Conviser Law Center at night

Clients Seeking Legal Services

Clients who wish to retain the services of the C-K Law Group will find that we offer highly competitive rates for some of the most accomplished attorneys in the Chicago area.

Contact Information

C-K Law Group