Use the navigation links on this page to find links to information about academic matters, registration, student services, financial aid, computing/IT services, graduation, and more. The links below will get you to some of the most commonly requested services performed by Chicago-Kent's offices and departments. For a full directory of all Chicago-Kent's offices and departments, as well as directories for students and faculty, follow this link.
Student Resources for COVID-19 COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

Academic Resources
Our Office of Academic Affairs publishes student Quick Guides, our student handbook, and maintains academic calendars.
Academic Calendars
Student Quick Guides by semester
Student Handbook
Information Technology Services

Student Affairs
The Office of Student Affairs is dedicated to providing you with the best possible learning environment, including allowing for accommodations for disabilities or religious beliefs; offering mental health resources; providing tutors; and reporting bias. We can also help you get a Chicago Transit Authority pass.
CTA U-Pass
Academic Skills Program
Mental Health Resources
Bias Report Form

Grades and Transcripts
Our Registrar's office is where you'll go to register for classes, access your academic records, request transcripts and much more.
Registering for Classes
GPA Calculators
Checking Your Grades
Requesting Your Transcript

Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid provides you with counseling and information to help you identify the financial resources available to you and navigate through the financial aid process.
Overview of the Financial Aid Process
Scholarship Information
Types of Financial Aid

Career Services
The Career Services Office offers students individualized career counseling and organizes numerous networking events, including the Fall Recruiting Program, which offers students the opportunity to interview for entry-level legal positions with a variety of employers.

Library and Research
The Chicago-Kent Law Library provides numerous scholarly resources for students, including study aids, research guides and databases, and more.
Student Services Overview
Research Guides
Databases A–Z
Library Catalog
Study Aids