Center for Access to Justice and Technology
Chicago-Kent College of Law established the Center for Access to Justice and Technology (CAJT) to make justice more accessible to the public by promoting the use of technology in teaching, practice, and public access to the law. In coordination with the Chicago-Kent Law Lab, the center conducts research and supports faculty, staff, and student projects on access to justice and technology, including developing A2J Guided Interviews using Access to Justice (A2J) Author®, an expert system and user interface used by self-represented litigants to complete a court form or navigate a legal process.
The CAJT also runs the Self-Help Resource Center, a student-run help desk at the Daley Center Courthouse in Chicago. There, students help self-represented litigants complete court forms, use online resources, and answer general questions about the court.
Please note that the CAJT does not provide legal advice or representation. For information about a potential consultation with an attorney, please visit the page for the C-K Law Group: The Law Offices of Chicago-Kent, the law school's clinic.
For inquiries about the Center and its programs, please contact cajt@kentlaw.iit.edu.