Full-tuition law school scholarships offered for 16th consecutive year

January 28 is the application deadline for the 2013 Honors Scholars Program, a full-tuition law school scholarship and stipend program at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law.

Established in 1998, the program provides full-tuition law school scholarships and annual living stipends for extraordinarily talented and motivated students with the potential to influence the direction of the legal profession.

"Applicants for this full-tuition scholarship are evaluated on the basis of their academic performance, leadership qualities, and co-curricular activities," said Nicole Vilches, assistant dean for admissions at IIT Chicago-Kent. "We look for candidates with strong undergraduate records and LSAT scores of at least 165."

Honors Scholars benefit from close research collaboration with law school faculty members who are producing scholarship in such areas as law and biotechnology, human rights, Internet privacy, environmental regulation, and international relations.

Current Honors Scholars are graduates of such schools as University of Chicago, Brown University, University of Pennsylvania, University College London, George Washington University and University of Notre Dame.

Since the program's inception, IIT Chicago-Kent has graduated 93 Honors Scholars who practice in 24 states and abroad.

To apply for the Honors Scholars Program, candidates must complete the online Honors Scholars Program application as well as the fall 2013 Chicago-Kent application for admission. There is no application fee. Additional information about the application process is available on the Honors Scholars Program website at www.kentlaw.iit.edu/honors-scholars.

Founded in 1888, IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law is celebrating "125 years of distinctive legal education." IIT Chicago-Kent is the law school of Illinois Institute of Technology, a private, Ph.D.-granting institution with programs in engineering, psychology, architecture, business, design and law.

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