APALSA recruiting for Thomas Tang Moot Court Competition

APALSA would like to announce that we are recruiting for the Thomas Tang Moot Court Competition (TTMCC) this Fall. TTMCC is an annual Moot Court competition hosted by the NAPABA Law Foundation (the National Asian and Pacific American Bar Association). The fact pattern focuses on a variety of issues that directly affect the AAPI community. The competition evaluators are AAPI attorneys, judges, and justices. A virtual regional round will be held in September before regional finalists advance to an in-person national competition in November.

More information available at their website here: https://www.napabalawfoundation.org/ttmc

If this sounds exciting to you, please sign up here: https://forms.gle/Xmy6sgWBBWz4xuoC9 !! All are welcome to sign up and compete. The Chicago-Kent APALSA team last year, Milan Doan ('24) and Tony Nguyen ('25), during regionals, won Best Brief and Best Oralist, on top of being regional finalists and competing at nationals! It's a great way to build appellate advocacy skills and network with AAPI attorneys, all while focusing on legal issues affecting our communities.

I will reach out to those who are interested in the next few weeks. Please email apalsa@kentlaw.iit.edu if you have any questions