Judicial Externship Opportunity, Judge Sullivan

Judge William B. Sullivan, Circuit Court of Cook County, Chancery Division, Mortgage Foreclosure Section

As a judicial extern, the student will be working directly under Judge Sullivan’s Judicial Law Clerk. The student will be assigned cases, will read the parties’ arguments on motions before the Court, will research applicable law, will write memoranda of the arguments presented, will orally present opinions on the assigned case, and will discuss the cases with the law clerk and Judge Sullivan to prepare the Court for oral arguments. Additionally, the student will have the opportunity to write opinions and orders. The student may also be assigned to review Judgment of Foreclosure or Order Approving Sale courtesy copies to ensure statutory compliance. Finally, the student will be able to attend the court call (via Zoom until further notice) daily to hear attorneys argue a variety of cases, including cases the student prepared. Court calls are M/W/Th/F at 10:30 AM (non-contested hearings) and M/T/W/Th at 2:30 PM (contested hearings).  Please download the full flyer for more information on the experience and how to apply.