Student Legal Writing Competitions - January 2023

The following are writing competitions to which law students may be eligible to submit their writings. For future writing competition deadlines and competitions by subject, see the Library’s Student Legal Writing Competitions Guide.

American Society of International Law Francis Lieber Prize for Outstanding Publications in the Law of Armed Conflict
"The American Society of International Law’s Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict awards the Francis Lieber Prize to the authors of publications that the judges consider to be outstanding in the field of law and armed conflict."
Deadline: TBA

International Trademark Association Ladas Memorial Award
"trademark law or a matter that directly relates to or affects trademarks."
Deadline: TBA

College of Workers' Compensation Lawyers Law Student Writing Competition
Deadline: TBA

Louis Jackson Memorial National Student Writing Competition in Employment and Labor Law
The competition is sponsored by Jackson Lewis P.C. and administered by IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law’s Martin H. Malin Institute for Law and the Workplace. It recognizes the best legal writing in the field of labor and employment law among current law students.
Deadline: TBA

National Law Review Law Student Writing Competition
"straightforward and practical, containing useful information of interest to legal and business professionals" Suggested Topics:
- Election Law and Access to Voting
- President Trump and current administration
- Tax Issues
- Immigration enforcement and policy
- Federal Court issues: process of adding additional justices to the US Supreme Court/Federal Circuit
- Employment Issues - Ban the Box Laws, Minimum Wage, Transgender Accommodations, Age/Sex Discrimination
Deadline: 5:00 pm Central Standard Time by the last day of the month.

Annual McGill Law Graduate Conference
"The Graduate Law Students Association (GLSA) of McGill University’s Faculty of Law is pleased to announce the 14th edition of the annual McGill Graduate Law Conference on the theme of Law and the City. The conference will take place on the 6-7 May 2021."
"We invite students, PhD candidates and young researchers from law and other disciplines to send their 250-350 words abstracts."
Deadline will be announced in December 2022

ABA Robert Pitofsky Law Student Writing Competition
The Competition is designed to attract students to the antitrust law and consumer protection law
field and to strongly encourage scholarship in these areas
Deadline: TBA. Annual competition.