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  • Staff
  1. Student Services and Administrative Offices

    Building, Library, Bookstore, Spakateria Hours

    BUILDING AND LIBRARY HOURS The SPRING SEMESTER hours will go into effect on TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2021. The building and library hours are as follows: BUILDING HOURS Sunday Noon –...

    • Administration and Finance
    • Faculty
    • Staff
    • Students
  2. Student Services and Administrative Offices

    Conviser Law Center Scheduled Events

    Week of April 5, 2021 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED

    • Administration and Finance
    • Faculty
    • Staff
    • Students
  3. Student Services and Administrative Offices

    Reserving a Room at the Conviser Law Center

    Room Reservation Faculty, staff, students and student organizations can reserve rooms at the Conviser Law Center for meetings, study, speaker events, etc. An electronic form is available online. When completing...

    • Administration and Finance
    • Faculty
    • Staff
    • Students
  4. Student Services and Administrative Offices

    Security Updates and Spam

    Security Updates The web world has increasingly become a target for malicious malware and viruses. Open vulnerabilities in operating systems and browsers are just two of the many ways computing...

    • ITS
    • Faculty
    • Staff
    • Students