Institute for Compliance in Financial Markets
The Institute for Compliance promotes careers in financial compliance, trains and prepares students for such careers, increases knowledge of the importance of compliance, and provides various events for the Chicago-based compliance and legal community. It is the first institute of its kind located in a law school.
It is the cornerstone of Chicago-Kent's J.D. Certificate in Financial Markets Compliance, one of the first of its kind at an American law school, provides students with substantive knowledge of financial markets compliance and signals to employers of a student's interest in the field. The program offers a rich curriculum in financial markets regulation, including classes in securities, commodities, and banking regulation, along with a capstone compliance course. The program is the cornerstone of the Institute for Compliance in Financial Markets.
Drawing upon an extensive network of alumni in the compliance field, the Institute for Compliance curates a selection of job opportunities for graduates looking to build a career in compliance. We also help connect students with alumni currently working in the financial compliance field.
Contact Information
Institute of Compliance in Financial Markets
Chicago-Kent College of Law
565 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60661
Email: fbatlan@kentlaw.iit.edu
Felice Batlan, Professor of Law and ICFW Director