The Justice John Paul Stevens Jury Center
The Justice John Paul Stevens Jury Center website serves as a clearinghouse for information about the jury for academics, students, judges, lawyers, and members of the press and public. Whether you want to read brief descriptions of articles on the jury or delve into symposia that contain numerous articles on a wide range of jury issues, this website is a resource for such information.
The Jury Center website includes a Selected Annotated Bibliography with brief descriptions of articles about the jury. Each entry contains a summary so that you can decide if the article is of interest to you, a citation so that you can locate the complete article in a printed journal, and a link so you can find it online. Articles in the bibliography are grouped by categories, such as Jury Selection and Jury Behavior, so that you can locate articles on particular aspects of the jury.
You will also find easy access to a list of Chicago-Kent Law Review Symposia on the Jury, as well as links to each volume. Each symposium has a theme pertaining to the jury, and the articles in that symposium explore that theme from a variety of perspectives. The Jury Center was also involved in organizing two jury conferences, one with the Chicago-Kent Law Review and one with the Onati Institute for the Sociology of Law, and you will find links to the papers from both these conferences on this page of the website.
Finally, the Jury Center describes the Justice John Paul Stevens Public Interest Summer Fellowship Program, which is available to Chicago-Kent law students who are committed to doing unpaid public interest work in the summer. This Fellowship, like the Jury Center, is named in honor of United States Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, and tries to promote the public interest and social justice values that Justice Stevens exemplified.
The Jury Center is housed at Chicago-Kent College of Law and is directed by Professor Nancy S. Marder, who has written extensively about the jury, as well as related subjects including judges, courts, and trials. You can find a brief biography of Professor Marder, and you can read more about the founding of the Jury Center.
Contact Information
Nancy S. Marder
Professor of Law
Director, Justice John Paul Stevens Jury Center
Chicago-Kent College of Law
565 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60661-3691
Phone: 312.906.5136
Email: nmarder@kentlaw.iit.edu