Loan Repayment Assistance Program

Human rights, civil rights and liberties, social justice, access to justice, domestic violence, and anti-discrimination: these are several of the many areas addressed by public interest law. Chicago-Kent is committed to making such options available to its graduates. One challenge to a public interest career is high educational debt. Chicago-Kent responded by creating the Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP). The mission of the LRAP is to 1) help alumni in low-paying public interest jobs repay their student loan debt and 2) encourage current students to pursue a public interest career.

In order to ensure that alumni in public interest and government positions with the greatest need receive funds from the LRAP, applicants must meet employment, debt, and income requirements. 

The 2025 Application deadline is February 21, 2025. 

If you would like to make a gift to the Chicago-Kent LRAP, please donate online here and write-in "Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP)" in the Gift Information drop-down selector.