The Seventh Circuit Review is an online journal dedicated to the analysis of recent opinions published by the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. The Seventh Circuit Review seeks to keep the legal community abreast of developments and trends within the Seventh Circuit and their impact on contemporary jurisprudence. The articles appearing within the Seventh Circuit Review are written and edited by Chicago-Kent College of Law students enrolled in the Seventh Circuit Review Honors Seminar.
Please note the Seventh Circuit Review does not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
The Seventh Circuit Review Honors Seminar
In this seminar, students author, edit, and publish the Seventh Circuit Review. The Review is entirely student written and edited. Each seminar student is an editor of the Review and responsible for extensive editing of other articles. Substantial assistance is provided by the seminar teaching assistant, who acts as the executive editor.
The areas of case law that will be covered in each journal issue will vary, depending on those areas of law represented in the court's recently published opinions.
To enroll, students must meet one of the following criteria: (1) cumulative GPA in previous legal writing courses of 3.5 and class rank at the time of registration within top 50% of class, (2) recommendation of Legal Writing 1 and 2 professor and/or Legal Writing 4 professor, (3) Law Review Membership, (4) Moot Court Honor Society membership, or (5) approval of the course instructor.
Contact the Seventh Circuit Review
Seventh Circuit Review
Chicago-Kent College of Law
565 West Adams Street
Chicago, Illinois 60661-3691