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  1. Public Interest Law & Policy

    • LAW464
      • JD
    • JD Elective
      • Health Law
      • Policy and Bioethics
      • Law
      • Government and Regulation
      • Public Interest Law

    Academic Term

    Spring 2022

    Primary Instructor

    Carolyn Shapiro


    Class meets on

    • Tuesday
    • Thursday

    Tuesday Thursday : 1600 - 1725

  2. Public Sector Employees

    • LAW679

    Academic Term

    Spring 2022


    Class meets on

    • Tuesday

    Tuesday : 1600 - 1750

  3. Real Estate Acquisitions & Development

    • LAW469
      • JD
    • JD Elective
      • Law
      • Government and Regulation

    Academic Term

    Spring 2022


    Class meets on

    • Wednesday

    Wednesday : 1600 - 1750

  4. Remedies

    • LAW280
      • JD
    • JD Elective
      • Financial Services Law and Compliance
      • Intellectual Property Law
      • Personal Injury Law

    Academic Term

    Fall 2022

    Primary Instructor

    Douglas Wm. Godfrey


    Class meets on

    • Monday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday

    Monday Wednesday Thursday : 1145 - 1240

    Academic Term

    Spring 2022

    Primary Instructor

    Richard Warner


    Class meets on

    • Monday
    • Wednesday

    Monday Wednesday : 1145 - 1310

    Academic Term

    Spring 2022

    Primary Instructor

    Cherish M. Keller


    Class meets on

    • Monday
    • Wednesday

    Monday Wednesday : 1935 - 2100

  5. School Law

    • LAW377
      • JD
    • JD Elective
      • Family Law
      • Law
      • Government and Regulation
      • Public Interest Law

    Academic Term

    Fall 2022


    Class meets on

    • Wednesday

    Wednesday : 1600 - 1750

  6. Securities Regulation

    • LAW361
      • JD
    • JD Elective
      • Business and Corporate Law
      • Financial Services Law and Compliance
      • Law
      • Government and Regulation

    Academic Term

    Fall 2022


    Class meets on

    • Tuesday
    • Thursday

    Tuesday Thursday : 1800 - 1925

    Academic Term

    Spring 2022


    Class meets on

    • Monday
    • Wednesday

    Monday Wednesday : 1800 - 1925

  7. Semester Law Firm Associate Program

    • LAW570
      • JD
    • JD Elective

    Academic Term

    Spring 2022


    Class meets on

    • Thursday

    Thursday : 1600 - 1730