Litigation-Based Certificate Programs

Applications now available for certificate programs administered by the C-K Law Group.  Certificate programs are a great way to get an enhanced education about a specific area of law while gaining more marketable job skills.  The due date for these applications will be announced at the beginning of April. 

Criminal Litigation Certificate Program

Chicago-Kent's Certificate Program in Criminal Litigation is designed to give students a comprehensive and balanced professional education to prepare them adequately for the practice of criminal law.   

Litigation and Dispute Resolution (LADR) Certificate Program

For students who aspire to become litigators or mediators, Chicago-Kent's Certificate Program in Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (LADR) combines trial skills training, negotiation and mediation within a rigorous clinical curriculum.   

Workplace LADR

The Workplace LADR certificate program will yield a joint certificate, allowing students to market themselves to potential employers as well-versed in the highly complementary areas of litigation, ADR, and labor and employment law.