Legal Clinic Applications and Enrollment
- Practical Experience
- Legal Clinics
- Legal Clinic Applications and Enrollment
We are now accepting applications for the In-House Clinics for the Summer and Fall semesters. Please see the special notes section below for further information about the Mediation and Criminal Law Clinics.
Get Legal Experience - Informational Meeting
Come learn more about the programs that will not only help you learn about practicing law from attorneys and judges but can also help you get legal experience for your resume. We are holding an informational meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at noon in room C20 so students can learn more about the in-house clinics as well as the legal and judicial externship programs
More Information
For most of Chicago-Kent's in-house clinical programs, students are given the option of enrolling for three or four credits. During the Fall and Spring semesters, students will put in an average of 11 hours per week for three credits and an average of 14 hours per week for four credits over the course of 13 weeks.
In the summer semester, students will put in an average of 18 hours per week for three credits and 23 hours per week in the summer over the course of 8 weeks.
Each clinical program provides classroom as well as field work instruction. With permission students may enroll for a second semester in any program, with the exception of the Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Clinic.
If you have any questions, please email Tracy Kish at
Special Notes
Mediation/ADR Clinic
Students must attend four days of mediation training via Zoom between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to approx. 5:30 p.m.
The four days of training for the Summer 2025 semester are: Wednesday May 28, Thursday May 29, Wednesday June 4, Thursday June 5, 2025.
The four days of training for the Fall 2025 semester are: Saturday August 23, Sunday, August 24, Saturday September 6 and Sunday September 7, 2025.
Attendance at all four days of training is mandatory to participate in this clinic. These dates are subject to modification and all enrolled students will be informed immediately if there is any change in the schedule. There is an extra fee of $990 (added to your tuition) for this training and certification from the Center for Conflict Resolution.
Please note that if you decide to drop the Mediation/ADR clinic you must give written notice to Tracy Kish and Professor Pam Kentra at least 3 business days before the first day of training to be eligible for a refund of the training fee.
Important Scheduling Note for the Mediation Clinic:
Please keep at least three (or more) for the summer and at least two (or more) in the fall of the following time slots open in your schedule so you can schedule mediation sessions in the zoom court calls:
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am. - 1:00 pm (if you have a class beginning at 12:45 pm you will be dismissed in time to attend class.)
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons: 1:00 - 5:00 pm (if you have a class beginning at 4:00 pm you will be dismissed in time to attend class.)
Criminal Clinic
To get the optimal experience from the Criminal Clinic, it would be best to be available at least two mornings each week to go to court (either in person or remote) with your supervising attorney. In addition, if you have in the past worked or expect to concurrently work in the criminal defense or prosecution area, there may be a conflict, and this experience should be divulged via email to Tracy Kish at before the applications are due.
Certificate Programs and Clinics
Below are the certificate programs that will allow students to count a clinic(s) toward the requirements.
- Criminal Defense
- Family Law
- Mediation
- Civil Litigation
- Tax Law
- Immigration Law
- Employee Benefit Claims Clinic
- Criminal Clinic
- Civil Litigation
- Employee Benefits Claims (counts as an elective, not the practicum)
- Tax Clinic
- Estate Planning, Probate and Transactional Law Clinic
- Employee Benefit Claims
- Intellectual Property, Entertainment & Entrepreneurship Law Clinic
- Any clinic that is offered
- Intellectual Property, Entertainment & Entrepreneurship Law Clinic